UCL / DRT / CRIDES / Atelier de droit social

Lien web: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/juri/crides/droit-social.html

Steve Gilson

Licencié en droit de l'UCL et en droit social de l'ULG, Steve Gilson est avocat au Barreau de Namur.  Après avoir été assistant à la Faculté de droit à l'Université catholique de Louvain, il est devenu maitre de conférences où il enseigne en cotitulature le droit de la sécurité sociale et le droit approfondi de la sécurité sociale. Il est par ailleurs chargé de cours à l'ICHEC en droit du travail. Du reste, il est juge suppléant au Tribunal du travail de Liège, division de Namur.



Lien web: https://uclouvain.be/fr/instituts-recherche/juri/crides

Pascal Vielle

Pascale Vielle is Professor at UCL and Associate researcher at the law Faculty ULB. She holds a PhD in law from the EUI Florence (1997). Her specializing is in international, EU and comparative social law and policies, focusing on social protection and institutional governance. She works in a gender perspective and teaches at the Faculty of Law and FOPES. She is also a Researcher at IACCHOS and JUR-I.

Auriane Lamine

Auriane Lamine is a legal scholar who specializes in labour law (PhD Louvain 2016, LLM Harvard 2013) and studied philosophy (MA Louvain 2014). She is currently an Associate Professor of law at the Université de Louvain where she teaches International, European and Belgian labour law. She is a member of the Atelier de droit social, CRIDES research center (Centre de recherches droit, entreprise, société, de l'Uclouvain) and an associate fellow of the CERCRID (Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne). Her recent work focuses on the comparative study of collective bargaining systems, the law of multinational firms and transnational company agreements.

Filip Dorssemont

Filip Dorssemont is ordinary professor of labor law at the interdisciplinary Center for Law, Business and Enterprise, Faculty of Law (UCL). He has been a visiting professor at the universities of Cassino, Strasbourg, Milano (Statale) and Bordeaux. He holds Law degree (University of Antwerp), PhD in Philosophy (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), Doctor of Law (University of Antwerp), free student in Art History (UCL).